Southwest Heating & Air Conditioning Repair

Air Conditioner Smells Bad When Turned On in Littleton, CO: What’s Causing It?

No one wants to get a whiff of a foul smell when the air conditioner starts cooling the house. Dealing with odor issues in air conditioning units is fairly common and calls for repairs from a licensed HVAC technician. If your air conditioner smells bad when turned on, this guide explains the possible reasons behind the unpleasant scent. 

Reach out to Southwest Heating & Cooling whenever you need trusted AC repair in Littleton. We’ll resolve any issue affecting your cooling system so you feel comfortable during the year’s hottest months. 

Recognizing Strange Scents From the Air Conditioner

Identifying bad smells in AC units can help you figure out what’s causing the odor. Once you know the source of the problem, it’s easy for HVAC professionals to repair the unit. Some of the most common odors that Littleton residents notice coming from their air conditioners include:

  • Burning smells
  • Rotten egg odor
  • Garbage scents
  • Mold or mildew

These odors can stem from a variety of problems within your cooling system. Once you’re able to detect the smell, contact a professional so they can address the root of the problem. Ignoring the issue will likely cause the odor to become stronger and even disrupt your air conditioner’s operation. 

Causes of Air Conditioning Odors

If your air conditioner smells bad when turned on, several issues could be to blame. Below is a breakdown of some of the top reasons for an unpleasant odor from AC units. 

Moldy Evaporator Coil

Noticeable mold odors might stem from a dirty evaporator coil within your air conditioner. Condensation can build on this coil as a normal part of the heat exchange process, but moisture should drain out of the system. When the coil has excessive dirt and dust on the surface, the condensation won’t drain and can instead promote mold growth. 

Dirty Air Filter

Just like the evaporator coil, your HVAC filter can sprout mold when you don’t keep it clean. You must replace the filter on a regular basis to avoid clogging it. Any moisture that comes in contact with the filter could cling to the debris inside and produce mold or mildew, which you’ll smell when you turn on the air conditioner. 

Decomposing Animals

It’s possible that a small animal ends up inside your air ducts and never makes it back outside. Turning on the air conditioner can push distinct odors from the carcass through the air ducts and into each room in your house.

You’ll need a licensed HVAC contractor to inspect your system, locate the animal, and remove it. The technician can check other components of your air conditioner to ensure that no other odors waft through your vents. 

Idle Periods

You don’t immediately have to worry if your air conditioner smells bad when turned on. Most cooling systems go for months without use. The first time you turn yours on for the season, it may have some strange odors. These smells should dissipate shortly as you continue to run your air conditioner. 

If they persist every time you start the unit, you’re likely dealing with another issue. Contact a repair technician to check your cooling system. 

Tips for Dealing with Unpleasant AC Odors in Littleton, CO

It’s normal to notice some type of smell when you first use your air conditioner after nearly a year. Strong odors that fill the air every time you turn on the system shouldn’t become routine. Thankfully, you can prevent them by keeping up with regular HVAC maintenance. 

Protect your HVAC system from damage by changing your air filter every few weeks. You never want the filter to clog with dust and dirt as this can eventually keep the system from working properly and may sprout mold. Sticking to a routine schedule for filter replacement helps you avoid this health hazard. 

In addition, schedule a professional tune-up service once a year. This involves having a technician inspect your cooling system to check for damage. Professional maintenance appointments also include cleaning the evaporator coil so it can’t grow mold.  

Schedule Repair Services for Your Air Conditioner in Littleton, CO

Southwest Heating & Cooling will take care of any issue that impacts your cooling system. We know how to determine why your air conditioner smells bad when turned on and will perform long-lasting repairs. You can’t go wrong picking professional HVAC contractors with our level of expertise and service. 

To schedule an appointment for HVAC repairs in your Littleton home, call (720) 702-1293

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